
3-in-1 Fungicide, Insecticide, Miticide – OMRI

Safe and Effective
The proven leader in pesticidal performance and reliability, TRITEK is a unique concentrate of preemulsified highly refined, high paraffinic, low aromatic oil. TRITEK provides effective pest and disease control on a broad range of crops and ornamentals. TRITEK is OMRI listed and meets or exceeds most worldwide standards for agricultural spray oils.

Agricultural spray oils are effective pest control mechanisms, but their efficacy, as well as hazards, are directly related to how long the oil remains on the plant. Most light oils (boiling point less than 355° F) are considered to be less effective or non-pesticidal because they don’t remain on the plant long enough to suffocate the pests, while most heavy oils (boiling point greater than 565° F) are considered to be hazardous to plants.

TRITEK is in the optimal “narrow” range, providing superior pesticidal activity and durability without the hazards known to heavier oils.

Benefits of Pre-Emulsification
Mixing - TRITEK, already emulsified, dilutes with water more easily and thoroughly than conventional spray oils. Emulsifying with hard water is not a problem for TRITEK.

Stability - Even after dilution, TRITEK won’t separate for many hours in a spray tank. Many conventional oil products begin to break apart into their separate oil and water phases immediately after mixing; TRITEK does not. The stable emulsion of TRITEK lasts longer than all other oil products ensuring that the spray application is consistent from beginning to end.

Reliability - When conventional oil emulsions break apart (shown at right), the oil separates and floats to the surface of the tank. If applied at that point, the solution drawn from the bottom of the tank provides little plant protection, while the remainder may cause phytotoxicity.

Safety - Manufactured using the finest “narrow range” oils and emulsifiers, TRITEK doesn’t put your crop at risk by using heavy oils known for their phytotoxic risk. The unique formulation of TRITEK provides excellent coverage and durability with little risk of phytotoxicity.

Why is TriTek Pre-Emulsified?
TRITEK is pre-emulsified to produce more stable and effective results. Under high speed shearing, the BRANDT process breaks down the oil droplets, reducing them from typically 700 microns in diameter to approximately 50 microns (1/14th its original size). To keep these droplets apart, two emulsifiers are added at the critical moment along with water. This process creates a stable creamy emulsion that keeps the droplets apart, and allows for easy and stable dilution in the spray tank.

These smaller oil droplets assure that only a very thin, even coating of oil will be applied to the plant. Thin and even coverage enables TRITEK to be more effective in killing insects as well as being safer for the plant. Remember, the oil droplet is reduced to approximately 1/14th its original size, but without proper emulsification, these oil droplets would coalesce back into larger droplets like conventional products, and be at higher risk for emulsification breaks and phytotoxic results.

Available in the following formulations:

SDS Spanish
International Brochure